Saturday, April 30, 2011

Royal Wedding

After much thought, the extended family here decided only a selected few would venture to London for the Royal Wedding and the others would do kid-care and watch it on TV.  We were concerned that the three youngest children (3, 4, 7) would get extremely fretful at the long hours of waiting and I was concerned that Granny (that would be me), might get as fretful as the children.

So, Adriana's sister, Rocio, and her husband, a native Brit, Ian, and their oldest, Katie dropped Grace off here quite early Friday and the rest of us stayed here.

We were just glued to the TV from the time Prince William and his brother Harry began the parade of lovely old cars to Westminister Chapel to the very finish of the ceremony and the procession back to Buckingham Palace.  It was a nice day, thank goodness, and as far as anyone watching TV could say, there were no incidents.

In case you have not seen it, this was the most lighthearted moment of the day:

But it really was a great day, full of hope and romance and wonderful worship and simply gorgeous clothes.

Rocio, Ian and Katie didn't get back here until nearly 3:30 p.m., but they said that the crowd control in London was quite well-done and they managed to get a view of the new bride leaving Westminister Chapel.  We decided we had all made the best choice for the day.

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